Kier School Projects for Kent County Council
As part of the Universal Infant Free School Meal Programme initiated by the Government, infants below Year 2 at primary school from September 2014 will be entitled to free school dinners. Due to this new initiative, Kent County Council (KCC) required an increase in kitchens within its schools to cater for the demand around Kent.
Logic PM were appointed as a sub-consultant by Kier Construction to carry out feasibility studies for the 50 schools chosen by KCC. We undertook measured building surveys, conditions schedules and survey photographs for each of the sites. This information was then used to create existing and proposed layouts along with a detailed cost plan for each of the 50 schools. All of this work was delivered within 1 month of our initial brief in order to meet the client's deadline.
The success of this work enabled the client to make valuable and detailed decisions on the projects to proceed with to match their budget. The programme has subsequently been instructed and Logic PM have been retained under the scheme to help deliver the programme.
For further information on feasibility studies and cost planning, contact Logic PM today.